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The photo I captured of a brilliant young woman seated on the ground holding a beautiful Black Students Matter sign in Madison Square Park, depicts one of my favorite moments in time during the summer of 2020.

Earlier that afternoon, the young woman pictured gave a powerful speech during a Black youth-organized rally in Times Square. She expressed her frustrations with New York city's schooling system, juxtaposing the system's underpreparedness to protect faculty and students during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, against the system's overpreparedness to send she and her peers to juvenile detentions (as exemplified by the over-policed schools in her district).

Her speech not only conveyed sentiments of frustration, but also sentiments of love. Love for self, love for classmates and teachers, and love for Black lives. From the responses of the crowd, her sentiments of frustration and love were shared by many others in attendance as well.

I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been able to capture this moment in timelessness.

Madison Square Park, Manhattan, New York - Aug 15, 2020

Lawrence Lopez

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Lawrence Lopez
Lawrence Lopez
Lawrence Lopez
Aug 15, 2020
Madison Square Park, Manhattan, New York

Lawrence Lopez