I participated in a bicycle demonstration that began in Harlem, and it stopped at Black owned businesses in Manhattan and in different places in Brooklyn.
There were many different pictures I could have propose[d] for Capture the Movement, but I feel that the awakening from the pandemic into the Black Lives Matter demonstrations are seeking to change the world for the kids who are in that image.
It was interesting because I was just walking by, and I just pointed my phone in the direction of the kids when I saw them, and I shoot the picture thinking about that. He saw me, but the kid sitting in the middle - who looks so poised, intelligent and with great style - saw me, and I ask[ed] him is it okay. And in a very sweet gesture, he nodded.
So, I just feel that this is an example of the great intelligence and talent that we have indicates for which we are trying to change the world.
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY - May 01, 2020
Julia Nevarez
I participated in a bicycle demonstration that began in Harlem, and it stopped at Black owned businesses in Manhattan and in different places in Brooklyn.
There were many different pictures I could have propose[d] for Capture the Movement, but I feel that the awakening from the pandemic into the Black Lives Matter demonstrations are seeking to change the world for the kids who are in that image.
It was interesting because I was just walking by, and I just pointed my phone in the direction of the kids when I saw them, and I shoot the picture thinking about that. He saw me, but the kid sitting in the middle - who looks so poised, intelligent and with great style - saw me, and I ask[ed] him is it okay. And in a very sweet gesture, he nodded.
So, I just feel that this is an example of the great intelligence and talent that we have indicates for which we are trying to change the world.
I participated in a bicycle demonstration that began in Harlem, and it stopped at Black owned businesses in Manhattan and in different places in Brooklyn.
There were many different pictures I could have propose[d] for Capture the Movement, but I feel that the awakening from the pandemic into the Black Lives Matter demonstrations are seeking to change the world for the kids who are in that image.
It was interesting because I was just walking by, and I just pointed my phone in the direction of the kids when I saw them, and I shoot the picture thinking about that. He saw me, but the kid sitting in the middle - who looks so poised, intelligent and with great style - saw me, and I ask[ed] him is it okay. And in a very sweet gesture, he nodded.
So, I just feel that this is an example of the great intelligence and talent that we have indicates for which we are trying to change the world.
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY - May 01, 2020
Julia Nevarez
I participated in a bicycle demonstration that began in Harlem, and it stopped at Black owned businesses in Manhattan and in different places in Brooklyn.
There were many different pictures I could have propose[d] for Capture the Movement, but I feel that the awakening from the pandemic into the Black Lives Matter demonstrations are seeking to change the world for the kids who are in that image.
It was interesting because I was just walking by, and I just pointed my phone in the direction of the kids when I saw them, and I shoot the picture thinking about that. He saw me, but the kid sitting in the middle - who looks so poised, intelligent and with great style - saw me, and I ask[ed] him is it okay. And in a very sweet gesture, he nodded.
So, I just feel that this is an example of the great intelligence and talent that we have indicates for which we are trying to change the world.
May 1, 2020
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY