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My photo was taken with a protest of thousands of people - thousands upon thousands - here in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. And we were basically walking through the streets - the neighborhood streets - and people were in their windows cheering us on - either cheering with us or, ya know, clapping pans or just making noise in general [in] praise of the protest. 

And one woman... she was standing in the window, and she was alone. She was just silent, but she just held her fist up, ya know, and... It was just so striking - it was an amazing moment. So, I quickly ran over to capture the picture, and I only was able to take, like, two photos, and luckily this is one of the photos that came out, and one of my favorite photos I've ever taken.

Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, New York - May 31, 2020

Jelani Rice

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Jelani Rice
Jelani Rice
Jelani Rice
May 31, 2020
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, New York

Jelani Rice