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This image I took in Brooklyn at a protest that started at Barclays Center, and, eventually, we started walking and making our way down to Grand Army Plaza.

And, just in general, while I was photographing, I was avoiding people's faces. And this was kind of perfect to me because I do kind of like to stand back and kind of take in my surroundings. But during this day, not only was I taking in my surroundings, but I was also trying to understand my own feelings and my own experience and what's really happening and how it's affecting me.

And so, during our walk, I noticed a few people that were carrying sage, and that spoke pretty loudly to me. When I see sage, when I use sage, it's kind of- the intent is to clear the air of negative energy: to get rid of that negativity, start new, cleanse... And so when I saw people walking around with it, I really wanted to capture a unique moment.

And so, when I went to go grab this photograph, my intention was not to capture the person, the backgrounds, and I accidentally happened... And when I saw it later on my computer, I was like, "Wow, this- this is what really speaks to me right now."

It's kind of like there's two feelings in one image: One that's kind of like, "I'm fed up. I'm angry. I've had enough, and I don't care anymore." And another side which is saying, like, "It's time for something to change. It's time for something new. It's time to clear this air [of] anything negative, and kind of bring that positivity back in. And we don't know how that's gonna happen, but we're gonna to fight for it, basically."

Brooklyn, New York - Jun 07, 2020

Yekaterine Gyadu

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Yekaterine Gyadu
Yekaterine Gyadu
Yekaterine Gyadu
Jun 7, 2020
Brooklyn, New York

Yekaterine Gyadu